Gas Price Trends Review 2017
Jim Snow | 29th January 2018Oakley Greenwood is pleased to announce the public release of the Gas Price Trends Review 2017 which documents Australia’s national and jurisdictional wholesale and retail gas price history from 2006 to 2017. Our thanks and congratulations to the COAG Energy Council and the Commonwealth Department of Environment and Energy on its continuing support of this study to help industry participants and consumers understand the trends and drivers of the price of a critically important energy commodity.
Key points in the 2017 report include:
- There has been a major uplift in wholesale gas prices on the east coast as forecast in our last report, with a slight easing in 2017.
- However, there has been a major reversal in State-On-State price trends as gas prices migrate from north to south.
- Clearly, structural supply and demand dynamics are set to play a very influential role.
- Prices in Western Australia continued on a downward trend and are well below east coast gas prices.
- And we have added a dedicated chapter on the critical trends in the commercial development of the gas transmission sector.
The Executive Summary can be found here or the full report can be found at the link:
If you are wanting to discuss the report further please call Jim Snow on 0417 775 893.