Rohan Harris (Executive Director)
Rohan Harris is an economist who has worked in the energy, water and consulting industries for more than 20 years. Rohan has significant experience in the areas of: tariff design; regulatory strategy and analysis; cost benefit analysis; energy and water policy; and electricity, gas and water demand forecasting. Rohan’s focus has predominately been on either the theoretical, economic, aspects related to these topic areas, or on the quantitative assessments (modelling) required to support the decisions or outputs related to these topic areas.
Rohan has worked at Oakley Greenwood for the last 10 years. In that time, he has advised numerous regulated electricity, gas and water businesses, policymakers and industry associations, including, but not limited to: AusNet Services (Electricity and Gas), United Energy, Multinet, Jemena (Electricity and Gas), Citipower, Powercor, APA, Australian Energy Council, Australian Energy Market Operator, Synergy, ActewAGL, Energy Networks Australia, Australian Hydrogen Centre, Department of Sustainability and Environment (VIC), DPIE (NSW), South East Water, Goulburn Valley Water, Yarra Valley Water, IPART, Southern Rural Water, ElectraNet, Queensland Urban Utilities, Department of State Development Business and Innovation, Ausgrid, China Light and Power (Hong Kong), Sarawak Energy Berhad, (Malaysia), Tenaga National Berhad (Malaysia), Sabah Energy Berhad (Malaysia), Energy Australia, Origin Energy and AGL.
Prior to working at Oakley Greenwood, Rohan was the Principal Economist at SP AusNet, where his primary role was to lead the development of numerous components of SP AusNet’s 2011-2015 Electricity Distribution Pricing Submission.
Prior to joining SP AusNet, Rohan was an Associate Director at consulting firm SAHA International. At SAHA, Rohan provided regulatory, commercial, policy, strategic and risk management advice to a range of customers from the electricity, gas, and water industries.
Before joining SAHA, Rohan worked at South East Water for 7 years, including as Manager, Economic Regulation. Here, Rohan led both the strategic development, writing and modelling of South East Water’s first regulatory submission.
Read Rohan’s detailed CV here.

2010 – present - Principal Consultant, Oakley Greenwood Pty Ltd
2009 – 2010 - Principal Economist, SP AusNet Pty Ltd
2006 – 2009 - Associate Director, SAHA International
1999 – 2006 - Manager - Economic Regulation, South East Water