Assisting Consumers
Our experts have all had a long history of engaging with and assisting consumers to manage and optimise their energy requirements and water and waste water services – on grid, off grid and within embedded networks and micro-grid or communal based developments. We see consumers as an integral if not the most important component of the energy, water and waste water service industries – and it is imperative they have a voice and that they can access expert services to benefit and advise them – we provide independent advice based on both the knowledge and experience within the supply industries and from working with consumers over many decades. It is this combination of expertise that is required for consumers to be able to get the most out of the changes occurring, and for the suppliers to be able to understand what it is consumers want and will likely adopt.
We have worked extensively on consumer issues with regulators, policy makers, service providers and Retailers, consumer advocate groups (especially those advocating for welfare arrangements) and this has included such matters as:
- Demand side participation and demand management programs, technologies, policies and regulation
- Retail strategies and consumer offerings
- Consumers seeking supply options and modelling of those options, as well as implementation – on grid and of grid;
- Specialist mining energy supply services and modelling
- Communal and shared supply options using embedded and micro grids
- Consumer advocacy advice, submissions and support around rule and policy changes
- Pricing and service offerings for consumers – consumer surplus modelling, adoption rates, consumer preferences, willingness to pay studies,
- Advanced metering and smart cities programs
- Market research, and
- Forecasting of consumer demand
Sub Industries
- Mining energy supply
- Large Energy Users
- Consumer Advocates
- Retailers