Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference 2023

Oakley Greenwood’s executive director Jim Snow presents at the 2023 Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference.

Part 1: The Renewable Gas Story
Jim outlines in the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference 2023 that the market for carbon neutral gases is segmenting and biomethane has a major role to play – hydrogen has its own high value markets

Part 2: Biomethane – Repurposing The Australian Gas System Story
Jim explains to the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference 2023 that biomethane can repurpose the existing gas networks, storage and other assets that carry nearly as much energy as the NEM with no major investment and critically that customers will not have to change their equipment.

Part 3: The Biomethane Case Study – South Australian Decarbonisation Study
Jim explains to the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference 2023 that using biomethane for power generation can firm all the renewable electricity production very cheaply and reduce overbuild of those renewable plants by between 30% and 50% (and associated electricity transmission) – the resource is there and AEMO is now recognising it is a major supply option.

Part 4: Keynote Q&A
Jim’s talk to the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference 2023 elicited a lot of questions and a growing recognition of the viability of this resource development and the benefits to customers and hitting net zero by 2050.




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