Possible Future Trends in Residential Electricity Prices
Rohan Harris | 13th December 2013Paper on Possible Future Trends in Residential Electricity Prices 2013 – 14 through 2015 – 16: Network Cost Drivers released. Read more here.
MoreNetwork Pricing Under a Revenue Cap
Rohan Harris | 23rd May 2013Oakley Greenwood presented a paper “Network Pricing Under a Revenue Cap” at the Quest Events Power Pricing Conference in Sydney. Read more here.
MoreReview of ElecraNet’s Revised Demand Forecasts
Rohan Harris | 13th January 2013Oakley Greenwood were engaged by Electranet to provide and independent review of and advice regarding the reasonableness of the approach taken by ElectraNet in conjunction with SA Power Networks in determining the revised set of connection point demand forecasts that serve as the basis for ElectraNet’s revised Revenue Proposal which is to be submitted in January 2013.