AEMO Gas Bulletin Board Consultation Paper
Jim Snow | 17th September 2018AEMO has been asked by the Commonwealth Government Minister for theĀ Environment and Energy (Minister) to perform a scoping study to explore additional enhancements to the Natural Gas Services Bulletin Board (Bulletin Board), with a focus on the implementation of a centralised facility to capture real-time data from gas producers and pipeline operators. The study will consider and complement ongoing and previous enhancement projects, and may consider other potential enhancements to support the outcome of the scoping study. The outcome of the scoping study is to deliver a report to the Minister, to inform future policy options for enhancing gas market transparency to enable users to make informed purchasing decisions. AEMO is also seeking feedback on:
- What other value does real-time data provide;
- What else is needed to enhance gas market transparency to enable users to make informed purchasing decisions.
AEMO have engaged Oakley Greenwood and have jointly prepared this initial Consultation Paper, which is intended to provide stakeholders with an opportunity to provide their feedback.
You can read the consultation paper here. Speak to someone in our Gas Team here.