CIGRE Session in Paris, August 2018
Alex Cruickshank | 16th July 2018Executive Director, Greg Thorpe, and Principal Consultant, Alex Cruickshank will be attending the CIGRE 2018 Session in Paris in the last week of August. The CIGRE Session is held every two years and attended by over 4,000 delegates from all continents across six days. The Session covers a wide range of technical and market aspects of electricity. Over 80 delegates typically attend from the energy sector in Australia.
All 16 CIGRE study committees meet during the Session. Greg and Alex are involved with Study Committee C5, which deals with markets and regulation. Alex will be the international convenor of the group from August.
Alex and Greg co-authored a paper on embedded networks and micro-grids for the technical meeting and Greg will be anchoring a discussion on changing business and regulatory models, one of the three topics considered by C5 groups around the world over the last 12 months.
Alex is co-chair of the Large Disturbance Workshop, held on Monday afternoon, which examines major market disturbances from both market and system aspects. The SA Blackout and related changes to the NEM (including the NEG) is one of the six international events that will be examined in the workshop.
Greg and Alex will also be attending working group meetings in the days before the Session, covering topics such as the value of smart grids, market designs for short term flexibility and procurement methods for DSR.
There is also a large exhibition from suppliers associated with the Session covering the latest technologies in energy and control systems.
More information on the CIGRE sessions is available at CIGRE Session 2018.