Monash Microgrid Electricity Market Operator launches
Alex Cruickshank | 5th November 2018Principal Consultant, Alex Cruickshank, (3rd from left) attended the launch of the Monash Microgrid Electricity Market Operator, which is supported by a grant from the Victorian Government. This project aims to develop and implement a model for price-based management of a microgrid. The project is in parallel to the Monash Microgrid project that has been funded by ARENA, see below. The microgrid project is to reduce emissions from the Monash Clayton Campus as well as prove up the necessary control systems and equipment for microgrid operation.
Alex and Executive Director Greg Thorpe recently had a paper published on the evolution of embedded networks in Australia towards microgrids and provided a guest lecture on Microgrids to final year students in Engineering at Adelaide University. The paper and lecture focused on the changes to technology, technical systems, social policies and government policies that are supporting and enabling customers to increase their use of distributed generation and storage as well as supporting demand response.
Oakley Greenwood, more generally, has been involved with a range of projects on the design of distribution system operators, the roles of embedded networks and microgrids.