Review of Gosford and Wyong (NSW) Water and Waste Water Operating and Capital Expenditure for IPART
Oakley Greenwood were engaged by IPART in conjunction with Hunter Water Australia to undertake a detailed review of the forecast operating and capital costs for the water and waster water facilities of Gosford City Council and Wyong Shire Council in NSW.
Policy Options for Maximising Downward Pressure on Electricity Prices Report
Oakley Greenwood has prepared this independent thought piece as an input to both the public debate and the supporting organisations’ consideration of policy options.
Victorian Smart Meter Cost Benefit Analysis Reports
The Victorian Department of Primary Industries, on 3rd September, released two Oakley Greenwood Reports relating to the costs and benefits for electricity smart metering upgrades in Victoria. Read more here.
Jim Snow Presents at AIE Sydney Conference 2009 and 2010 Papers
Jim Snow presented a landmark paper in 2009 (featured the death spiral effect for electricity consumption) and followed this up in 2010 taking a look at the NSW’s Electricity Future 2020 (and beyond): What will it look like and how do we get there?
Verve Energy Review
Oakley Greenwood with Deloitte have recently delivered a Final Report to the Oates Review undertaken for the Hon, Peter Collier, Minister for Energy, Western Australia titled “Verve Energy Review”.