EnerCon 2018 Manila, Philippines

Greg Thorpe is speaking at EnerCon 2018 being held in Manila, this week. Read more here.


CIGRE Session in Paris, August 2018

Executive Director, Greg Thorpe, and Principal Consultant, Alex Cruickshank will be attending the CIGRE 2018 Session in Paris in the last week of August. The CIGRE Session is held every two years and attended by over 4,000 delegates from all continents across six days. The Session covers a wide range of technical and market aspects of electricity. Over 80 delegates typically attend from the energy…


Alex Cruickshank presents at CIGRE Information Session

Alex Cruickshank presents at CIGRE Information Session on capacity mechanisms, demand side response, and pricing and cost allocation. A very informative workshop.


Jim Snow Chairing Day 3 Next Generation at Energy Week 2018

Jim Snow

Jim Snow, Adjunct Professor at University of Queensland Energy Initiative will be Chairing the upcoming Next Generation Day at the Australian Energy Week 2018 covering Stream 2 on Day 3 (Thursday 10 May).


‘Exploring the factors driving changes in the energy mix’ at Australian Energy Week


The NEG: getting the balance right

This article was published in the Energy Source and Distribution Magazine – Mar/Apr 2018 issue.
Ahh, the NEG, the National Energy Guarantee. Resolving the policy impasse that has plagued the energy sector for a number of years is high on the to-do list of many people. Many articles are appearing summarising its intent and praising its objectives, and those views are not repeated here.


What will customers be willing to pay under the new electricity network regulatory arrangements?

Rohan Harris observes the differences between regulatory arrangements that have up until recently been applied to electricity network businesses and water businesses. Read more here.


Australian Institute of Company Directors Event – Overview of Blockchain

Executive Director, Jim Snow attended the AICD Brisbane Lounge on Block Chain technology and Data Security on 8 March 2018.


Alex Cruickshank Appointed to head CIGRE Study Committee C5 2018

alex cruickshank

CIGRE have announced that Alex Cruickshank has been appointed to head up Study Committee C5 from 2018. The study committee examines market and regulation issues in the electricity industries.


Greg Thorpe at Power Week Asia 2017 urges Asia to be “a little bit brave” embracing new technology

Greg contributed to a session on impact of renewable technology on electricity market design.


OGW “Independent report casts doubt over Thwaites”

OGW Report “Review of the Thwaites report and associated research” (Hoch and Harris) was prepared for the Australian Energy Council who claim that it “casts doubt over the analysis attached to the Thwaites Review of Retail Markets in Victoria”


Oakley Greenwood at CIGRE Symposium Dublin

This week Executive Director Greg Thorpe and Principal Consultant Alex Cruickshank are attending a CIGRE symposium in Dublin, Ireland attended by electricity experts from all continents.


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