ABC Business segment on gas prices
Jim Snow on ABC Business segment discussing the current issues for gas pricing in the manufacturing sectors.
Webinar – LNG market and the import terminals
Webinar – LNG market and the import terminals with Wood Mac, Thomson Reuters and Oakley Greenwood. Register now.
ESCOSA report released: SA Power Networks 2020 Reliability Standards Review
A new Oakley Greenwood report has found that the majority of customers in South Australia are not interested in paying more for higher levels of electricity supply reliability. The report quantified Australian customers’ willingness to pay for additional reliability in their electricity supply, and their willingness to subsidise improvements in areas that receive materially lower levels of supply…
EnerCon 2018 Manila, Philippines
Greg Thorpe is speaking at EnerCon 2018 being held in Manila, this week. Read more here.
CIGRE Session in Paris, August 2018
Executive Director, Greg Thorpe, and Principal Consultant, Alex Cruickshank will be attending the CIGRE 2018 Session in Paris in the last week of August. The CIGRE Session is held every two years and attended by over 4,000 delegates from all continents across six days. The Session covers a wide range of technical and market aspects of electricity. Over 80 delegates typically attend from the energy…
Angus Rich networking at the Energy and Mines Conference, Perth
Oakley Greenwood’s, Principal Consultant, Angus Rich will be attending the Energy and Mines Conference in Perth on Wednesday 27 June and Thursday 28 June.
Demystifying some aspects of pipeline investment in Australia
Rod authored a chapter on changes to the structure and commercial aspects of the gas transmission industry in the 2017 Gas Price Trends Review. Read more here.
Pipeline Capacity Trading: Allocation Arrangements Discussion Paper
A discussion paper prepared by Rod Johannessen has been released by the COAG Energy Council on the gas transmission sector. Read more here.
Alex Cruickshank presents at CIGRE Information Session
Alex Cruickshank presents at CIGRE Information Session on capacity mechanisms, demand side response, and pricing and cost allocation. A very informative workshop.
Executive Director and Adjunct Professor Jim Snow interviewed by Seoul Economic Daily
The Oakley Greenwood gas team where approached by local Kogas representatives about doing an interview with leading Korean daily newspaper, Seoul Economic Daily.
Jim Snow Chairing Day 3 Next Generation at Energy Week 2018
Jim Snow, Adjunct Professor at University of Queensland Energy Initiative will be Chairing the upcoming Next Generation Day at the Australian Energy Week 2018 covering Stream 2 on Day 3 (Thursday 10 May).